Objective: To investigate the cause, therapy and prognosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) resulting from a variety of poisoning. Methods:The clinical data of 13 patients with ARDS in four years,(from October 1998 to October 2002),were analysed. Results:There were 0. 68% of poisoning intoxication in 13 patients. The morbidity of paraquat, organophosphours and carbon monoxide were higher than others. Two patients with paraquat and 2 patients with carbon monoxide manifested as anticipated monophasic type,and 9 others patients as delayed diphasic type,with more than four organs injury. Poison was dispelled adding integrative therapy for all patients. The mortality of patients with ARDS was higher in comparison with MODS( P < 0. 01). Conclusion: It could improve the prognosis of ARDS with dispelling poisoning adding inlegrative therapy.
Journal of Clinical Emergency