启蒙美学与政治美学是一对既相似又有差异的实践美学概念。从表层结构加以比较 ,二者都带有浓厚的功利主义色彩 ,但启蒙美学的重心在于个性的自由和人性的解放 ,侧重于探讨“审美的政治化” ,而政治美学则致力于探求“政治的审美化”的内在秘密。从深层结构上比较 ,二者更为相似的形式在于 ,都试图通过欲望、情感、理性、意志、信仰诸方面的激荡化合作用以期达到“自我的实现”。二者更为本质的区别在于它们通往自我实现的路径恰恰是相反的方向。
Enlightening aesthetics and political aesthetics ar e a pair of practical aesthetic concepts which have both similarities and dissimil arities. Compared on the superficial structure, both possess a strong utilitaria n color. But, while the focus of enlightening aesthetics is on individual freedo m and the emancipation of human nature, stressing the exploration of the “polit icization of aesthetics', political aesthetics is, on the other hand, devoted to exploring the internal secret of the “beautification of politics'. Compared o n the deeper layer, the more similar form of the two lies in the “realization o f self' through agitation and combination of such elements as desire, sentiment, reason, will and faith. The fundamental difference between the two, however, is that the routes they take to realize self are just opposite to each other in di rection. To clarify the intrinsic characteristics of the two will be of great en lightening significance for learning about the law of aesthetics and aesthetic p ractices.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
enlightening aesthetics, political aesthetics, comp arison, route of studies on human nature