国家政局的长期稳定 ,容易使人产生和平麻痹思想。公安警卫人员要适时地开展优良传统教育 ,克服警卫部队中普遍存在的重勤务、轻教育以及教育模式陈旧、单一 ,方法不灵活 ,没有统一的教育大纲等实际问题 ,进一步规范教育模式 ,明确教育目标 ,弘扬部队正气 ,使公安警卫人员牢记神圣使命 ,坚持“两个务必” ,确保警卫任务的圆满完成。
Neglect and ignorance is easy to produce in a long peaceful and stable atmosphere of our country. Therefore it is necessary to carry out the fine traditions of forces among security troops, correct the wrong tendency of just paying more attention to military affairs than ideological education which is usually done by dull and unvaried way. It is also urgent to regulate the ideological education mode, to setup the definite aims and promote the fine spirit of forces. All security personnel are made to keep their missions in mind, stick to 'two necessities', maintain the stability of forces in order to carry out their tasks successfully.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy