基于实地调查 ,以数据和材料阐释了粤东北客家山区沼气开发利用的环境生态效益、经济效益和社会效益 ,基本类型和生态模式。分析了来自规模效益、经济外援增强以及客家文化观念等对沼气开发的阻滞效应 ,提出了以沼气利用为纽带优化生态农业文化的现实性与途径。
Based on an investigation on the spot,the author explains the environmental benefit,economic benefit and social benefic of utilizing marsh gas madeup of mountainous abandoned organic matter in south-eastern area of Guangdong Province by Hakka people,summarizes its types and ecologyqial models. With the development of the marsh gas utilization,because of the influence of such factors as scale-benefic,foreign aid economiy and traditional Hakka cultural conception,the marsh gas utilization slows down its steps. But considering of the resource and environmental condition in south-eastern area of Guangdong Province,it is very important that marsh gas utilization should become a tie of optimizing eco-agriculture. Accordinly,some approaches are ponted out in order to utilize marsh gas widely and more effectively.
Journal of South China Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)