制备尖晶石型锰酸锂是降低锂离子电池成本的有效途径。本文将就现有锰酸锂的制备方法和技术问题进行论 述,较为详细的分析不同制备方法的特点,指出存在的问题或改进的思路,为锂离子电池新型正极材料-尖晶石型锰酸 锂的制备提出一些参考信息。
It is a effective approach for reducing cost of Li -ion battery to make spinel manganate lithium. The preparation technologies for manganate lithium have been discussed in this paper. Characteristics and disadvantages of these technologies have been indicated, and some improvement ideals for the technologies have been given. Information on production of manganate lithium can be found in the paper.
Journal of Chongqing Vocational& Technical Institute