西部大开发已经有六年多的时间,重庆市作为西部地区的一个中心城市,借助西部大开发进行产业调整升级。本 文以西部大开发对重庆旅游业的影响为切入点探讨了西部大开发对重庆旅游业的影响。同时旅游业的发展推动了重庆 市整体经济的发展,提高了重庆市经济发展的后劲。
It has been over six years that the development of western China. As a major city of the western, Chongqing adjusts its economic construction. This article discusses the effect of the development of western China on Chongqing's all sides especially tourism. At the same time the tourism has become Chongqing economic impetus and has made Chongqing's economic development faster.
Journal of Chongqing Vocational& Technical Institute