在0.2 mol/L苯胺,1.0 mol/L盐酸溶液中加入不同浓度的镍离子,采用循环伏安法制得电化学电容器电极材料聚苯胺膜。SEM 测试表明, 镍离子的加入明显改变了聚苯胺膜的形貌;循环伏安,交流阻抗以及恒流充放电等实验表明,聚合过程中镍离子的存在对聚苯胺膜的电容行为有良好的改进作用。从含有0.2 mol/L镍离子的溶液中获得的聚苯胺膜的面积比电容是342 mF/cm2,是从不含镍离子的溶液中获得的聚苯胺膜的面积比电容的1.5倍。
The electrochemical polymerization of aniline (AN) via cyclic voltammetry was performed in 1mol/L HCl and 0.2 mol/L aniline solutions with various concentration of NiCl2. During the growth of polyaniline (PAN) film, Ni2+ ions can insert the film, which made the equal quantity of anions in the solution to be attracted into the PAN film, so its growth rate was greatly increased. Results show that the presence of Ni2+ ions can also improve the density of nucleation, which can make it more compact; and the presence of Ni2+ ions during the growth of film can improve the electrochemical capacitances of PAN films by means of cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance and constant current charge-discharge tests. The specific capacitance per geometric area of the film grown from the solution with 0.2 mol/L Ni2+ ion is 342 mF/cm2, it is 1.5 times of the specific capacitance per geometric area of the film grown from the solution without Ni2+ ions.
Chinese Journal of Power Sources