近年来 ,随着大港油田注水开发程度和井深的进一步增加 ,地质条件变得更加复杂 ,采用常规注水泥固井出现顶替效率低、安全窗口窄、易漏失和污染地层等难以解决的问题 ,给完井和后期增产带来了隐患。为克服这些技术问题 ,开展了固井水泥浆的室内研究和现场试验。结果表明 ,矿渣MTC固井技术可针对性地解决大港油田一些区块的固井技术难题 ,该技术先后在港深 14 - 2 2井等 14口井中得到应用 ,固井质量合格率 10 0 % ,优质率5 7% ,其中油气层段封固优质率达到 85 %以上 ,充分说明了矿渣MTC技术可有效地提高复杂区块的固井质量 ,为后续油井作业环节的顺利开展打下了良好的基础。
The geological conditions become more complicated in Dagang Oilfield in recent years with the deepening degree of water injection development and hole depth, and the conventional cementing technology is not sufficient for solving the problems erected, such as,low displacement rate,high fluid loss,which causes potential difficulties for completion and stimulation. Lab study and field tests are conducted on the cement slurry system aiming to resolve these technical difficulties. It shows the MTC technology is a good option for the cementing problems in some blocks of Dagang, and it was used in 14 wells such as GS14-22, and cementing qualification rate of 100% and excellent rate of 57% was achieved, and the excellent rate in the pay zone reached as high as 85%.
Oil Drilling & Production Technology