将全油区的增油任务最佳地分配到各种增产措施上 ,使其总体吨增油成本最低 ,使增产措施的总投资最小 ,是油区措施配产的主要目标。本研究对增产措施进行了筛选和分类 ,利用积分转换方法建立了单项措施投入—效益模型 ,以及油区措施配产多变量、多因素、多目标数学模型 ;根据非线性函数求极值原理 ,利用最小二乘法求得系统最优解方程 ,建立了最优解的扫描算法 ;最后用计算机软件实现了油区增产措施的自动优化配产 ,并进行了实际应用。该方法使用简单 ,结果可靠 ,效果明显。
The main purpose of production proration is to distribute the total oil increment task to stimulation treatments optimally. The stimulation treatments are screened and classified, and the benefit-cost model of every type of stimulation treatments is established by the integration transformation. A multi-variable, multi-factor, and multi-goal production proration model is created. The optimal solution equation is gained by the least-squares-method based on the extremum theory of nonlinear functions. The scan method to find the optimal solution is given out. The automatic production proration to oil field stimulation treatments is realized using a computer and is applied to Zaoyuan Oilfield. It's proved that the method is simple, the result is dependable, and the economic effect is notable.
Oil Drilling & Production Technology