
源于天然产物的农药品种 被引量:18

Agrochemicals Developed from Natural Product-based Precursors
摘要 研究天然产物的重点不是直接利用它 ,而是以其为先导化合物开发活性更优的天然产物替代品。只有如此 ,才能保护有限的资源 ,更好地为人类持续发展服务。在农药创制研究中以天然产物为先导化合物进行研究、开发新农药品种的方法仍将是一种有效的方法 ;以具有活性的天然产物为先导化合物不仅可以更快、更经济的发现活性更优的类似物 ,而且因其内在的性能是产品更易符合环境保护与持续发展之需要。本文概述源于天然产物的农药品种 ,其中杀菌剂包括乙蒜素、稻瘟灵、恶霉灵、肉桂酸衍生物、吡咯类化合物、甲氧基丙烯酸酯类等 ,杀虫杀螨剂包括氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯、沙蚕毒素类似物、吡咯类、新烟碱类、保幼激素类似物、双酰肼 (蜕皮激素类似物 )、季酮酸类、嘧螨酯等 ,除草剂包括 2 ,4 滴、乙烯利、萘乙酸、草铵膦、苯草酮、环庚草醚、磺草酮等。 Nature is a rich source of products with interesting and useful biological activity, and novel natural products with high intrinsic activity can be used as precursors for cost-effective synthesis of highly active analogues via a more elaborate chemical or biological process. Some agrochemicals from nature have successfully been introduced to the market to control insect pests, plant diseases and weeds, and will still meet the demands of both ecological environment and sustained development. Therefore, the method to discover new agrochemicals and their precursors from nature is still an efficient way in the future. Agrochemicals precursors from natural products were briefly reviewed in this paper. The following compounds such as fungicides: cinnamic acids, pyrroles, strobins, etc.; insecticides/acaricides; carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, nereistoxin analogues, dioxapyrrolomycin analogues, dienamides, tetronic acids, non-steroidal ecdysone agonists, juvenile hormone mimics and so on; and herbicides: 2,4-D, bilanaphos, glufosinate, endothal, cinmethylin, acifluorfen, sulcotrione, and their discoveries, structures and bio-activities were also described.
作者 刘长令
机构地区 沈阳化工研究院
出处 《精细与专用化学品》 CAS 2004年第6期1-5,共5页 Fine and Specialty Chemicals
关键词 天然产物 农药 生物活性 杀菌剂 乙蒜素 恶霉灵 肉桂酸 吡咯类化合物 先导化合物 杀菌剂 agrochemicals natural product precursor creative development
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