随着网络中应用层业务的日益丰富和传送技术的演进,迫切需要一种简单、灵活、高效的通用成帧 技术将各种应用层业务适配到物理层中。本文先是介绍了一种新的成帧方案ITU-T G.7041通用成帧 规程(GFP),讨论了GFP的技术特点以及优势。然后介绍了GFP在新一代基于SDH的多业务传送平台 (MSTP)中的应用。最后分析了GFP在正在出现的Data over OTN方案中应用的相关问题,提出以建立 GFP层次上的标签交换路径(LSP)的方式,实现Data over OTN网络中带宽资源的合理分割和高效利用。
With the increasing abundance of the application services and the evolution of the transport technology, it is badly needed that a simple, flexible and efficient generic framing technology should adapt various application services to the physical layer. In this paper, a new framing method of ITU-T G.7041 Generic Framing Procedure (GFP) is introduced, with its technical features and advantages. Then we discuss the application of GFP in MSTP. Finally, related issues for GFP in the emerging Data over OTN resolution are analyzed, raising the concept to realize the efficient division and utilization for bandwidth in Data over OTN, in the way of building LSP in the GFP layer.