目的 :观察玉竹总苷 (SaponinsofRadixPolygonatiofficinalis.RPOS)对大鼠血流动力学的影响。方法 :采用Med lab -u/ 8c八道生物信号采集处理系统记录静脉注射RPOS后大鼠血流动力学指标的改变 (LVSP、±dp/dtmax、LVEDP、HR、SAP和DAP)。各组均以给药前各项指标为对照进行统计学处理 ,计算机监视记录结果及分析。结果 :静脉注射RPOS(30 0mg、6 0 0mg、80 0mg·kg-1)后 ,可剂量依赖性地降低麻醉Wistar大鼠的SAP和DAP ,并以降低DAP的作用明显 ;对HR影响不明显 ;LVSP、±dp/dtmax绝对值明显增加 ,而LVEDP下降。结论 :RPOS对麻醉大鼠有降低SAP和DAP的作用 (以DAP降低明显 ) ,对麻醉大鼠心肌具有正性肌力作用 ,并且呈一定的剂量依赖关系。提示其降血压作用可能与降低外周血管阻力有关。
Objective: To observe the effect of saponins of radix polygonati officinalis on the hemodynamics in rats. Methods: The hemodynamics changes were tested with Medlab-u/8c processing system in rats, such as, LVSP, ±dp/dtmax, LVEDP, HR, SAP and DAP. All parameters were compared with the parameters before medication by the statistics analysis of computer. Results: It can descent the SAP and DAP of anesthetic Wistar rats by the injection of vein with saponins of radix polygonati officinalis (300,60,80mg·kg -1 ) in dose-dependence, especially the descent of DAP. It has no distinct effect on HR. The absolute value of LVSP&±dp/dtmax is distinctly increased, with the descent of LVEDP. Conclusion: Saponins of radix polygonati has the effect of decreasing SAP and DAP in the anesthetic rats, and the positive muscle force to rats' myocardium in dose-dependence, which suggest that the effect of decrease the blood pressure could be related to the decreasing of resistance.
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
Saponins of radix polygonati officinalis
Cardiac function
Positive muscle force