目的了解SARS事件引起武警部队战士与学员心理应激的中介因素与心理健康的关系。方法采用中国科学院心理研究所编制的“全国民众非典调查问卷”(新版 ) ,对SARS高发疫区的 80 0名武警战士和学员进行测试。结果大多数人对SARS事件的看法比较乐观。战士较学员认知更为积极 ,心理恐慌和无助感也明显低于学员 (P <0 .0 0 1)。战士与学员多使用积极的应对方式来应对应激。学员采用某些回避性应对和积极应对与战士有显著差异 ,如注意转移、自我保护性应对等 (P <0 .0 1)。战士与学员获得主观和客观社会支持上大部分没有显著差异 ,只是个别条目有所不同。SARS对士兵与学员的心理影响不大 ,学员的心理适应要好于士兵 (P <0 .0 5 )。相关因素分析显示认知、应对方式及社会支持与心理状态相关。结论认知、应对方式及社会支持影响人们对应激源的心理反应。
ObjectiveTo study the correlation between the intermediate factors ofpsychology stress and mental health of the soldiers and the students of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces in SARS. MethodsThe research surveyed 800 people from Chinese People's Armed Police Forces in the epidemic area with 'questionnaire about attitude of the common people in china to SARS' edited by the Psychology Department of CAS.ResultsThe most of the soldiers and the students had an optimistic attitude to SARS. The soldiers had a more positive response to it than the students, and felt less panic and helpless than the students(P<0.001)Both of them adopted positive coping styles in SARS ,but the avoiding and the fighting was put into action significantly more by soldiers than by the students(P<0.01). There were no significant difference between the soldiers and the students in terms of social support . The investigation of mental status for the last week showed that SARS had a little impaction on them. The students adjusted themselves to the situation more easily than the soldiers(P< 0.05).Significant correlation were found between the cognition, coping , social support and the mental health.Conclusion The factors of cognition, coping , social support influenced the people how to deal with the stressors.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
中国科学院重要方向项目 (KSAX2 SW 2 2 1 )
心理所知识创新项目资助 (2 0 0 2 1 7)
国家自然科学基金应急项目 (70 340 0 0 2 )
Armed Police Forces
Coping style
Social support
Mental state