在全面建设小康社会进程中 ,学校体育赋予了新的内涵 :教学目标突显多元化、科学化 ,全力培养“学习型”高素质人才 ;学生主体地位不断增强 ,师生关系更趋和谐 ;教学内容追求娱乐性、健身性、开放性与文化性的整体融合 ,向课内外、学校与社会一体化的方向发展 ;建立了完善的体质监测体系 ,学生基本的公共体育服务得到保障。同时 ,学校体育的任务应该重新认识和定位。
In the process of China's becoming a more comfortable society,school sports have been given new meanings. The teaching objectives become more various and scientific. Talents who are consistent in learning are trained. The subjectivity of the students are reinforced. Relationships between teachers and students are more harmonious. The teaching contents are more entertaining,bodybuilding,open and cultural based. School sports,ex-curricular sports and social sports develop side by side. Perfect constitution monitoring system is established. Basic public sports service for the students are guaranteed. Meanwhile,tasks of school sports should be re-oriented.
Journal of Sports Adult Education