体育与旅游有着十分密切的关系 ,它们可以相互促进、共同发展。“体育健身游”是 2 0 0 1年我国旅游业的宣传主题。我国拥有发展体育健身游有利的资源和市场条件 ,有望使这一新兴项目成为我国体育产业的又一拳头产品 ,前提条件是各有关部门能够进行科学合理的开发。
Sports are closely related to tourism. Sports Bodybuilding Tourism was the main topic for the Chinese tourism industry in 2001. In China,the resources and market condition for developing sports bodybuilding tourism are abundant. Sports bodybuilding tourism can be a pillar industry of the Chinese sports industry. Relative administrative departments should exploit this tourism reasonably.
Journal of Sports Adult Education