教学幽默在教学中具有重要作用 ,能激发学生的学习兴趣 ;有助于学生对知识的理解和巩固 ;能活跃课堂气氛 ;可消除学生身心的疲劳 ;能使学生形成良好的性格特征。因此 ,体育教师在教学中应善于运用教学幽默 ,努力挖掘教学中的幽默因素 ,使学生在愉悦的气氛中 ,获取知识、发展能力、提高技术水平。
The teachers being humorous is important in the teaching process. It can arouse the students' interest in learning and help the students acquire the knowledge better. The class environment can be more alive and the students can be less tired in class. Humor can help form the students' good personalities. Therefore,the teachers' adaptable use of humor can bring better teaching effects.
Journal of Sports Adult Education