湖南某鸭场发生了一起 2 0日龄雏鸭出现精神沉郁、食欲减退、嗜睡、缩颈、拉稀及神经症状为特点的疫病 ,经流行病学调查、临床症状、病变观察及病原分离鉴定为鸭疫里默氏菌和鸭大肠杆菌混合感染 ,针对分离菌作药敏试验 ,用对分离菌敏感的药物治疗及采取综合性的防制措施后 ,疫情很快得到控制。
On March 2003,an enzootic disease of 20-day-old young ducks whose signs are listlessness,diarrhoea,ataxia,tremor of head and neck,and coma occurred at some duck farms in Hunan.By the study of pizootilogy,clinical signs,tyical lesions and particularly isolation and identification of the causative agents,the disease was diagnosed as mix-infection of Riemerella anatipestifer and E.coil.an enzootic disease was controlled by selecting sensitivite antibiotics and utilizing comprehensive prevent ways.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine