培育农业主导产业是实现农民增收致富的主要途径之一。密云县通过农业结构的调整 ,形成了三大主导产业、六大主导产品 ,成效显著。密云县在已取得成绩的基础上 ,根据区域特点和资源实际 ,朝着农业产业化经营方向 ,为实现绿色农业发展目标继续努力。
The development of agricultural leading industry is one of main methods to increase the peasant's income. Three leading industries and six leading productions have been made through the adjustment of agricultural structure in Miyun Count. Based on the above achievement,they are working hard in order to reach the goal of green agriculture according to the area character and real resource.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)