植被水的监测始于对森林、草原火险评估的需要 ,另一方面 ,植被水的丰富程度也间接反映了当地土壤含水量状况 ,是当地干旱状况的一个重要指示。水是生命之源 ,对作物生长的影响巨大。因而对于农业区作植被水的监测 ,可以了解到区域植被供水状况信息。本研究正是基于上述的想法 ,以黄淮海农业区作为试验样区 ,对新型MODIS传感器的数据 ,应用GVMI指数模型 ,反演出植被水含量信息。比较植被水含量与当地降水量之间的关系 ,初步分析了植被水含量与区域旱情状况之间的关联性。
During the past decades, the repeated occurrence of severe wildfires affecting various parts of the world has highlighted the need to develop effective monitoring tools to assess and eventually mitigate these phenomena. Estimation of vegetation water content is central to the understanding of biomass burning process. On the other hand, vegetation water content relates to soil water content. It's an indication of local drought condition. Water is an essential factor for the growth of crop. Estimation of vegetation water content can make the condition of crop growth in the agriculture region clear. Based on the above theory, this research estimated vegetation water content using MODIS data, choosing Huang-Huai-Hai agriculture region as the research region. Based on the computed vegetation water content, was the relationship between vegetation water content and local drought condition.
Remote Sensing Information
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目"生态安全相关要素的定量遥感关键技术研究 (KZCX3 -SW -3 3 4)"