
中国男性文人气质柔化的社会心理渊源及其文学表现 被引量:15

Social and Psychological Origin of Scholar-officials' Makings Getting Tender inFeudal China and Its Reflection in Literature
摘要 在中国传统社会中,独特的社会文化和社会心理结构导致了两性的性别刻板印象的同化——"柔化"。士大夫性格的"柔化"或曰"女性化"尤其明显地体现在中国古代文学中"温柔敦厚"气质的形成以及男性文人经常"作闺音"或为女性"代言"的文学现象上:这就是以"弃妇"和"妻妾"心态自拟的以男女比君臣的创作手法。这一现象蕴涵着深刻的社会心理因素,其根源就在于以宗法制度为基础的家国一体的社会政治结构,维持这一结构的支柱便是严密的等级秩序。理解了中国血缘纽带下的宗法制社会结构,我们就不难理解在强调君臣父子夫妻的伦理关系的社会/家国结构中,对男性的性别角色期望与对女性的期望往往有惊人的相似之处——要求处于弱势伦理关系中的臣子、儿子、妻子(妾)绝对服从其君、父和夫,因此我们也就不难理解为什么属于女性的弃妇情结与妻妾情结往往会出现在男性文人的诗文中,并成为男性文人作品一道婉约而优美的风景,进而成为中国文学有史以来最独特的亮点。 Social psychology holds that,the stiff impression of man bears the main feature of manliness,while that of woman bears tenderness.Yet in the traditional Chinese society,the unique structure of social culture and psychology caused the two different stiff impressions of both sexes to get assimilated-'tenderization'.The 'tenderization' or 'femalization' of scholar-officials' nature was particularly reflected in the literary phenomenon of the formation of the quality of 'gentle and honest' and male literati speaking for women,and the phenomenon was a sort of composition technique in which authors had the mentality of regarding themselves as 'deserted wife' and 'concubine' when comparing male and female to monarch and his subjects.The phenomenon contained profound social psychological factors the origin of which was the social political structure of family-state unity based on patriarchal clan system,and the major element maintaining the structure was the strict stratum system.Looking into the patriarchal clan social structure under Chinese link of consanguinity,we find it not difficult to understand that,in a social/national structure stressing the ethic relationship between monarch and his subjects,father and son,husband and wife,the expectation upon the sexual role of male was amazingly similar to that upon female-subjects,sons and wives (or concubines) under disadvantaged situation in the ethic relationship should absolutely obey their monarch,father and husband.And that why the complex,of abandoned wife and concubine,that belonged to female frequently occurred in letters of male literati and became a kind of subtle and elegant scenery and then even further the most unique highlight in the Chinese literary history.
作者 杨雨
机构地区 中南大学文学院
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期107-112,共6页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
关键词 士大夫 气质柔化 以男女比君臣 Official scholar Makings Tenderization Compare male and female to monarch and his subjects
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