农业的发展 ,经历了原始农业、传统农业、现代农业三个阶段 ,如今正朝着信息农业方向发展。信息作为一种新的生产要素正在发挥越来越重要的作用。现代农业是与信息化同步的农业 ,因此要实现农业现代化 ,必须积极利用现代信息科技的发展成果 ,加快农业信息化进程。
The agricultural development has experienced the three stages including primitive,traditional and modern agricultures and is now developing toward agricultural information.The information as a new productive factor plays a more important role in today's society.The modern agriculture keeps pace with the information so we must actively make use of development achievements of modern information technology and speed up the process of information in order to realize agricultural modernization.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi