目前,在房地产市场中对小户型住宅的需求是比较大而急迫的。房地产市场上一直存在着一批小户型住宅的需求者 ,随着贷款买房的兴起,从 1998 年下半年开始,在经济效益比较好的单位工作的人逐渐成为商品房市场中的主要客户。这部分人不具备买大户型房的经济实力,类似于二室一厅、二室二厅的中小户型是他们中多数人的首选。
At present, the requirement is great and urgent for the undersized house in the real estate market. There exists the requirement for undersized housed all through in the real estate market, Aslong as the trendofbuyinghouse with loan andsince the second of the year 1998, people who works in the unit with better economy benefit had become the main chit to the real estate market. These people havn't economy ability to bay large house, the medium-sized type is preferred to most of them.