长江桥梁之始 ,有史可考者 ,应属东汉建武九年 (公元 33年 ) ,公孙述拒汉军的荆门 -虎牙浮桥。至清咸丰三年 (公元 185 3年 )长江上的桥梁计有十余座之多。除带高楼与水下防御装置的复杂型和简易平板型船式及筏式浮桥外 ,尚有可以置放有后座力大炮的铁索桥。这些桥梁绝大多数是出于军事目的而建 ,也有如汉阳 -武昌筏桥一类 。
The first bridge of the Changjiang River, which can be checked in history, is the Jin Gate Fuya bridge where Gongsu Shu resisted the army of Han Dynasty in A.D.33. Till to A.D.1853, there are over ten bridges of the Changjiang River. Except of complicated bridges that were equipped the high castles and underwater defensing installations, simple flat bridges and float bridges, there were a kind of iron chain bridges equipped cannons with recoil. Most of these bridges are built for military affairs, meanwhile there are a few bridges for civil such as float bridge of Hanyang Wuchang.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences