商业牌匾是我国一种独特的传播商业信息的广告形式 ,它通过巧取文学作品、凭借商联文采、援引成语典故、附丽神话传说、仰仗名人题字、利用趋吉心理、采摘宗教词语、表达报恩情感、显示店家诚信等方式负载着厚重的民族商业思想 ,投射出传统的文化色彩。 2 1世纪的今天 ,中国进一步改革开放 ,走社会主义市场经济道路。我们探讨商业牌匾的传统文化色彩 ,批判继承民族广告文化遗产 ,不但有助于中国商业文化宝藏的挖掘整理和牌匾广告历史的研究 ,而且对于现代广告的发展和创新也有着十分重要的借鉴。
Commercial tablet is a special kind of advertisement in our country that loads massive national commercial ideas and radiates traditional culture color by literature, borrowing commercial couplet, citing idioms and literary quotations, attaching fable and legend, relying on inscription of famous persons, taking advantage of wanting lucky mind, picking religionary expressions, expressing sensibility of paying the obligation, showing credit of merchants. Nowadays, China further opens her doors and steps for way of socialism market economy. To discuss commercial tablets' traditional culture trait, to criticize and inherit to national advertisements legacies can not only help packing up cultural storehouse and studying the history of tablet advertisements but also enlighten and promote improvement and innovation of modern advertisement industry.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences