《诗经》是周礼社会的产物 ,以礼说诗有时更能把握诗的内容和主旨。历代学者对《诗经·木瓜》一类诗的解释是众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。如果结合周代礼俗对《木瓜》一类诗重新阐释 ,也许会有一个令人较满意的结果。周代贽见礼是解释《木瓜》一类诗的根据。
The Book of Songs is the result of the rite society in the Zhou Dynasty, when we use rites to explain the Book of Songs, it is easy to grasp the gist of the Book of Songs. The scholars in successive dynasties had many different views about the Papaya in the Book of Songs.We will have a satisfied key if we can explain the Papaya in the Book of Songs with etiquette and custom of the Zhou Dynasty.In the Papaya in the Book of Songs, a women gives A man melons and fruits, and the man presents a jade in return , this custom is the source of the rites of exchanging gifts in the Zhou Dynasty.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
the Papaya
the rites of exchanging gifts
the jade
melons and fruits