The portal vein is the functional vessel of the liver. Either intrahep-
atic or extrahepatic portal venous obstruction can cause hemodynamic alt-
erations of the portal system.
The object of this study is to clarify the hemodynamic characteristics
and detect the biomechanical index in differentiation of different patholo-
gical states of the hepatic portal system. Measurements and analyses of
hemodynamic alterations of the portal system of the rabbit liver in vitro
are reported. Experiments were performed under portal venous stenosis,
intrahepatic obstruction and different hepatic artery pressure and results
were compared with those of control state. This study reveals the relati-
onship among pressure, flow, differential conduclance, resistance and
compliance of the hepatic portal system in rabbit. In this paper the pre-
ssure-flow relationship is emphatically discussed.
The pressure-flow relationship of the portal system was obtained by
regressive analysis. The regressive equation is
Q = a + blnp
Statistically, we found that b is an important index. Not only does
the index b demonstrate significant differences between mimic physiologi-
cal and pathological states but also among different mimic pathological
slates. For the states of portal venous stenosis and intrahepatic obstruction
of different degrees, the index b manifests significant differences be-
tween mimic physiological and pathological states but also among different
mimic pathological states as well as within group (P<0.001 ). Under sta-
tes of different hepatic artery pressure levels, the index b shows signific-
ant difference within group (P<0.01 ). Evidences are given that liver
diseases may lead to hemodynamic disturbance of the hepatic portai syst.
em. It is thus possible to find out hemodynamic criteria of some diseases
of the liver.
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
: Hepatic portal system
Dynamic analysis
Hepatic artery pressure
Portal venous stenosis: Intrahepatic obstruction
Pressure-flow relationship: Fit:Logarithm curve