
视知觉无意识加工中的形状优势效应 被引量:10

Shape Dominance in Visual Unconscious Processing
摘要 研究了视知觉无意识加工中是否存在形状优势效应。被试为天津师范大学本科生60名。仪器为pentiurnⅢ高分辨率计算机,程序用E-prime心理实验软件系统编制而成。在实验1中.用信号检测论技术发现,当启动图形呈现时间为20ms时,被试是不能觉知到该图形的。在实验2和3中,被试的任务分别是判断图形的形状和颜色,用MANOVA分析启动图形计靶图形的启动效应时发现,启动图形的颜色线索不会影响靶图形的形状判断,但启动图形的形状线索却能抑制或促进靶图形的颜色判断。实验证据提示,在判断物体整体特征时,无意识知觉具有形状优势效应。 In the study we focused on whether there was shape dominance in visual unconscious perception. The subjects were 60 university students (Exp 1, 2, 3) in Tianjin Normal University. The experimental software E-prime was used to control the presentation of stimuli to the participants. In Exp 1, it was confirmed that the masked geometric primes presented for 20ms could not reach the awareness level via the signal-detection techniques. In Exp 2, the subjects were not informed of the presence of the prime and simply engaged in a shape discrimination task related to the target. In Exp 3, the subjects were done in a color discrimination task. With multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), the priming effects were investigated. The results showed that the color cue of the prime had no effect on the shape discrimination of the target while the shape information could facilitate or inhibit the subsequent processing of the color of the target. It is suggested that shape dominance in visual unconscious processing does exist.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期321-324,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(30170324) 中科院创新青年科学家小组 中科院创新工程项目(kscx2-2-03) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金资助
关键词 无意识 启动效应 形状优势 视知觉 visual perception, unconsciousness, priming, form dominance
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