A new tool force model to be presented is based upon process geometry and thecharacteristics of the force system, in which the forces acting on the tool rake face, the cuttingedge rounding and the clearance face have been considered, and the size effect is accountable forthe new model. It is desired that the model can be well applicable to conventional diamond turningand the model may be employed as a tool in the design of diamond tools. This approach is quitedifferent from traditional investigations primarily based on empirical studies. As the depth of cutbecomes the same order as the rounded cutting edge radius, sliding along the clearance face due toelastic recovery of workpiece material and plowing due to the rounded cutting edge may becomeimportant in micro-machining, the forces acting on the cutting edge rounding and the clearance facecan not be neglected. For this reason, it is very important to understand the influence of someparameters on tool forces and develop a model of the relationship between them.
A new tool force model to be presented is based upon process geometry and thecharacteristics of the force system, in which the forces acting on the tool rake face, the cuttingedge rounding and the clearance face have been considered, and the size effect is accountable forthe new model. It is desired that the model can be well applicable to conventional diamond turningand the model may be employed as a tool in the design of diamond tools. This approach is quitedifferent from traditional investigations primarily based on empirical studies. As the depth of cutbecomes the same order as the rounded cutting edge radius, sliding along the clearance face due toelastic recovery of workpiece material and plowing due to the rounded cutting edge may becomeimportant in micro-machining, the forces acting on the cutting edge rounding and the clearance facecan not be neglected. For this reason, it is very important to understand the influence of someparameters on tool forces and develop a model of the relationship between them.
This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50175022)
National Aerospace Support Foundation of China(No.0223HIT07).