该文着重阐述了元江干热河谷山地不同生态条件下,土壤资源的分布、特征及其合理利用。由于元江河谷山地地势高低悬殊,相对高差可达2000m,土壤资源的垂直分异规律非常明显,由低海拔到高海拔依次分布有:北热带干热河谷燥红土带(海拔1000m以下)、南亚热带丘陵赤红壤带(1000m~1300m)、中亚热带低山红壤带(1300m~2000m)、北亚热带中山黄棕壤带(2000m以上)等。土壤资源合理利用的对策是: ①按山地垂直分异规律搞好土地利用规划; ②搞好植被恢复和生态建设工作,严禁毁林开荒、陡坡耕地要退耕还林还草; ③发展可持续农业:搞好合理轮作、套种,提高土壤肥力;集约经营,合理施肥,提高单产。
This paper deals with the distribution and characteristics of the soil resource and its rational utilization under different ecological environment in the valley and mountain area of Yuanjiang of Yunnan province.The Yuanjiang valley and mountain is located in the south part of Yunnan Plateau, between 23°18 ′ to 23°55′ north latitude and 101°39′ to 102°22′ east longitude.The relative altitude difference is quite great from valley to peak of mountain in Yuanjiang region.Therefore, law of vertical differentiation in soil resources is quite clear.The vertical sequence of soil from the low part toward high elevation is in proper order of zonality of Zao red soil on dry-hot valley in the north tropical zone (below (1 000) m), zonality of Chi red earth of on hill in the south subtropical zone ((1 000 m)~(1 300) m), zonality of Red earth on low mountain in the mid-subtropical zone ((1 300 m)~(2 000) m), zonality of Yellow brown earth on mid-mountion in the north-subtropical zone (above (2 000) m).Several strategies on rational utilization of soil resources in Yuanjiang region are: 1) According to the vertical differentiation law of mountains, to build good project of land use;2) To do well the resumption of vegetation and the work of ecological construction; to close mountains to facilitate afforestation and strictly forbid to destroy the forest and turn them into farmland;3) To develop the sustainable agriculture and improve soil fertility with national rotation and inter-planting; to raise the per unit area yield by intensive farming and apply fertilizer rationally.
Resources Science