信息技术带来的传播方式的现代化 ,一方面为人们提供了一种全新的认识和把握事物的方式 ,另一方面也赋予道德行为、价值观念、及道德交往、关系、结构许多新的内涵。网络社会的道德状况有其鲜明的特点 ,也对传统道德提出了新的挑战 ,我们必须构建与网络社会共鸣的道德观念、道德精神 ,加强网络道德的建设。
The modernization brought by information technology not only supplies a new way for us to recognize and deal with affairs, but also endows moral behaviors, relation, structure,values and moral intercourse with new connotation. The moral status in the network society has sharp characteristics and arouses new challenges to traditional moral. So, in order to strengthen the construction of network moral,we must set up moral values, moral spirit corresponding to network society.