目的 了解服务行业从业人员沙门菌携带情况、外环境污水沙门菌污染情况 ,以及沙门菌血清型分布、菌株耐药状况。为今后防治工作提供依据。方法 服务行业从业人员采用肛拭子采样 ,外环境污水用灭菌玻璃瓶采样 ,按GB 4789 4-94分离沙门菌 ,然后进行血清学鉴定和分型 ,用WHO推荐的K -B琼脂纸片扩散法作药敏试验。结果 云浮市服务行业从业人员沙门菌的携带率是 0 3 2 % ,外环境污水的检出率是 3 0 2 % ,有B、C1、C2 、D和F1等血清群 ,血清型较为复杂 ,以阿哥纳、鼠伤寒和肠炎居多 ,但无优势。大多数菌株对常用抗菌类药物敏感 ,产生耐药的主要有羧苄青霉素、头孢拉定、痢特灵等。结论 云浮市服务行业从业人员沙门菌的携带不算严重 ,而外环境污水的沙门菌污染则相对较严重 ,两者菌株的血清型较为复杂。应注意加强从业人员的卫生意识和注重对外环境的消毒工作。临床上治疗沙门菌引发的疾病应选用氟哌酸。
Objective To find out the carriage of salmonel la among catering staff , salmonella pollution in outer environment and the distribution and drug resist ance of salmonella. [Methods] Samples of catering staff were c ollected through t heir anus; samples of outer environment pollution were collected with glass bott les. The salmonella were isolated according to GB4789.4-94, serological identifi cation was conducted, drug resistance test was made with the K-B agaragar paper spread method recommended by WHO.[Results]The carriage rate of salmonella amon g catering staff in Yunfu city was 0.32%, the detected rate of polluted water in out erenvironment was 3.02%, sero-group B, C1, C2, D and F1 were found. Mos t of the strains were sensitive to normal antiseptic, among which Carbenicillin、Cef racline and Furazolidone etal, ce phalexin and retalin have drug resistance.[Conclusion]The prob lem of salmonell a carriage among catering staff was not very serious, while the water pollution in outer environment was relatively serious. Health consciousness among catering staff and sterilization work on outer environment should be strengthened. Norfl oxacin and Tobramycin are mainly clinically used to treat diseases caused by sa lmonel la.
Occupation and Health
本课题为云浮市医药卫生科研基金项目 (编号 :2 0 0 2B0 1 0 )
Salmonella, Survey, Drug resistance, Analysis