To study the causes of El Nino Phenomenon the Extended Associate PatternAnalysis (EAPA) is set up with monthly sea surface wind stress and precipitation besides Sea LevelPressure (SLP) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in or over the Pacific and related seas since 1979in present paper. The results show that El Nino Phenomenon means a SST redistribution, coveringalmost the whole Pacific that needs a huge amount of energy provided by air-sea interaction in themost Pacific regions; It is the wester burst and wind convergence, coming from meddle latitudesdirectly, instead of Kelvin waves that produce the strong SST warm signal in Nino regions; Twonegative SLP anomalies in middle of the North and South Pacific, most likely produced by the averageair pressure decreasing effect of explosive cyclones through precipitation, and the positive SLPanomaly o-ver the Asia-Australia land bridge, coming mainly from the south hemisphere with a littleinfluence from the Asian continent, are the three major causes for El Nino onset, they work togetherto produce anomalous wind convergence in Nino regions and wester burst in middle of the North andSouth Pacific that result in a warm tongue and cold pincers gearing together; Basically, during itsearly stage the ocean is forced by the atmosphere, while during its late stage the atmosphere isforced by the ocean.
To study the causes of El Nino Phenomenon the Extended Associate PatternAnalysis (EAPA) is set up with monthly sea surface wind stress and precipitation besides Sea LevelPressure (SLP) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in or over the Pacific and related seas since 1979in present paper. The results show that El Nino Phenomenon means a SST redistribution, coveringalmost the whole Pacific that needs a huge amount of energy provided by air-sea interaction in themost Pacific regions; It is the wester burst and wind convergence, coming from meddle latitudesdirectly, instead of Kelvin waves that produce the strong SST warm signal in Nino regions; Twonegative SLP anomalies in middle of the North and South Pacific, most likely produced by the averageair pressure decreasing effect of explosive cyclones through precipitation, and the positive SLPanomaly o-ver the Asia-Australia land bridge, coming mainly from the south hemisphere with a littleinfluence from the Asian continent, are the three major causes for El Nino onset, they work togetherto produce anomalous wind convergence in Nino regions and wester burst in middle of the North andSouth Pacific that result in a warm tongue and cold pincers gearing together; Basically, during itsearly stage the ocean is forced by the atmosphere, while during its late stage the atmosphere isforced by the ocean.
ChineseAcademyofScience (GrantNo :KZCX2 2 0 5 ,L370 2 2 1117) ,Hi TetchResearchandDevelopmentProgramofChina (GrantNo:2 0 0 1AA6 330 6 0 )andtheMajorStateBasicResearchProgram .(GrantNo :G19990 4 380 3)