Based on the analysis of experimental results, the rock damage model and thedamage coupling model suitable for the whole rock breaking process with water jet were establishedwith continuous damage mechanics and micro damage mechanics, and the numerical method was developedwith continuum mechanics and the FEM theory. The rock breaking mechanism with water jet was studiedsystematically with numerical simulation for the first time in the field of water-jet rock breaking.The numerical results agree with the experimental ones which shows that the presented method isreasonable and can reflect the reality of water-jet rock breaking. The conclusion can be applied inpractice.
Based on the analysis of experimental results, the rock damage model and thedamage coupling model suitable for the whole rock breaking process with water jet were establishedwith continuous damage mechanics and micro damage mechanics, and the numerical method was developedwith continuum mechanics and the FEM theory. The rock breaking mechanism with water jet was studiedsystematically with numerical simulation for the first time in the field of water-jet rock breaking.The numerical results agree with the experimental ones which shows that the presented method isreasonable and can reflect the reality of water-jet rock breaking. The conclusion can be applied inpractice.