Objective To recommend a minimally invasive, cosmetic and economical transumbilical approach for abdominal surgery, as compared with the traditional abdominal procedure and laparoscopy procedure. Methods Half of the ring fold of right umbilicus was incised circumferentially. The incision usually didn't go beyond 270°. And the peritoneum was entered in the midline or via rectus abdominis muscle. The procedure was completed in the standard open fashion by positioning the incision under the open area , and the periumbilical incision was closed subcutaneously with absorbable string. Since 2001, we have done 22 transumbilical laparotomies, there is need no one converted to traditional incision or extended incision (operating time, 40~170 minutes). Results There was no other complications except 1 anastomotic leak. Discharge 5~7 days after the operation. Followed for 3 monthes~2 years, no umbilical hernia was occurred the incision was cosmetic and the scar was not visible. Conclusions Transumbilical approach is feasible, safe, less invasive and cosmetically superior to the open laparotomy for a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in infants, and it may be useful in older children.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery