以Co2 +-Nitroso -Rsalt(亚硝基红盐 )为显色体系 ,用分光光度法测定FKH - 0 1汽油无液碱脱臭催化剂中的微量钴。考察了样品灼烧条件和测定条件。在 80 0℃将样品灼烧 1h以上 ,用HCl溶液溶解灼烧后的COO。在 5 30nm波长处的吸收系数ε =1.0 3× 10 2 L/(mol·cm) ,线性范围为 0~ 0 .0 5mg/mL。测定结果与Co2 +- 5 -Br-PADAP分光光度法一致。t检验表明 ,两种方法所得结果无显著差异。本方法简便 ,灵敏度高 。
Co 2+ _Nitroso-Rsalt (1-Nitroso-2-naphthol-3.6-disulphonic acid disodium salt)coloured system was used to determine cobalt in FKH-01 gasoline without liquid alkali sweetening catalyst.The measuring and calcinating conditions were studied. After samples calcinating at 800 ℃ for at least 1 h,COO was dissoluted by HCL solution. The molar absorption coefficient ε at 530nm was 1.03×10 2 L/(mol·cm). The linear range was 0~0.05 mg/mL. Determination results of this method were in accordance with those obtained by the methods of 5-Br-PADAP.The t-test showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods .This method had the advantages of simplicity, high sensitivity and good accuracy.
Liaoning Chemical Industry