企业知识是组织内部个人知识的集合体 ,但不是个人知识的简单加总。基于这个认识 ,本文构建了一个由知识员工、知识链和知识场构成的点、线、面互动的企业知识体系研究框架。高技术企业是追求持续知识创新的知识体系 ,知识创新通过知识点之间的互动完成 ,如同电荷之间的运动通过电场来进行 ,知识点通过知识场发生相互作用。本文提出了知识场的概念 ,分析了其与Nonaka的“巴”的区别与联系 ,并对其进行了分类。进一步的 ,根据高技术企业知识体系运行的基本路径 ,文章分别研究了体系内知识点通过知识场进行互动的基本模式与作用机制。文章试图提出一个能够解释知识创新过程的新框架。
Although enterprise knowledge is the sum of individual owned knowledge,it isn't the simple assumption of them. According to it,this paper constructs an interactive dot-line-field research framework in which includes personnel with knowledge,knowledge chains and knowledge fields. High-tech enterprise knowledge system is in continuous pursuit of knowledge innovation which is created from the interactions of knowledge dots which take place in knowledge fields ,just as the electrons do in electric fields. This paper putted forward the conception of knowledge field,compared it with the famous Nonaka's 'ba',and divided it into five types field. Further more,based on the basic path model of high-tech enterprise knowledge system circulation,this paper separately studied that how do interactive knowledge activities take place in knowledge field and putted forward the basic model and mechanism This paper tries to give a new research framework in which the process of knowledge creature can be rationally explained.
Shanghai Management Science