目的探讨EGR1在调控肝再生过程中的功能地位.方法使用RT-PCR法测定部分切肝和假手术后不同时间点野生小鼠静止和再生肝组织EGR-1 mRNA水平;使用western blot检测部分切肝后48和72 h野生小鼠和EGR1基因敲出鼠的全肝组织裂解液中EGR1蛋白质的表达水平并对其进行比较.结果肝再生过程中EGR1基因的诱导表达开始于部分切肝后6~12 h,继而下降,但于48 h表达再次增高;而EGR1蛋白质表达在部分切肝后12~48 h均可检测到.因此,肝再生过程中EGR1蛋白质表达的时段恰好对应于肝细胞的有丝分裂进程.结论正常肝再生的有效进程中EGR1基因的表达是必需的.肝再生过程中,EGR1参与了肝细胞有丝分裂周期的调控.
Objective:To investigate the functional importance of EGR-1gene in regulating liver regen-eration.Methods:EGR-1mRNA levels were quantified in quiescent and regenerating liver derived from replicate wildtype mice at serial time-points after partial hepatectomy or sham surgery by using real time RT-PCR.EGR-1protein in whole cell lysate derived from wildtype and EGR-1null mouse liver at48and72hours after partial hepatectomy were compared and menitored by Western blot.Results:The data showed that during liver regeneration induction of EGR-1gene expression occur6~12hours after partial hepatectomy,then declines,and increases again at48hours after partial hepatectomy,and that EGR-1protein expression was detectable12~48hours after surgery.Thus the EGR-1protein was present in regenerating liver at the time corresponding to hepatocellular mitotic progression.Conclusions:EGR-1is indeed necessary for normal liver regeneration to proceed efficiently.The functional role of EGR-1during liver regeneration involves mod-ulation of mitotic cell cycle progression.
China Journal of Modern Medicine