图书馆与高等学校的学科建设与发展有着密切的关系 ,并对其起着极为重要的作用。实行高等学校图书馆与各院系图书分馆的一体化管理 ,发挥馆藏特色 ,加强用户利用信息能力的培养 ,拓展和转变新世纪图书馆职员的服务角色 ,提供多种形式和深层次的服务 ,对促进高等学校的学科建设与发展具有重要的意义。
Since library services play an essential role in the teaching and research in the university,it is important to realize the conncetions between the library and the teaching and research conducted in the university.This paper argues that in terms of management the university library and the departmental libraries should adopt the same system so that it will facilitate the service at different levels,and this will help to develop interdisciplinary studies in the university.
Journal of Modern Information