分别在自然冷却和风扇冷却条件下进行了两组某纤维增强复合材料的拉 拉疲劳性能试验,并对试验数据进行了比较和分析。结果表明,自然冷却时,由于加载频率过高而引起试验材料工作部分过热,使其疲劳寿命明显比采用风扇冷却时测试出的值偏低。因此,对采用较高加载频率或对温度较为敏感的纤维增强复合材料,在工程应用中,建议采用吹风散热装置,以延长该类材料制品的使用寿命。
Under the condition of natural cooling and fan cooling respectively, two series of tension-tension fatigue property test of some fiber reforced composite material are performed. The test data are compared and analyzed. The results show, that the fatigue life is shorter obviously because of over-hot working part of the test material caused by over-high loading frequency under natural cooling than that under fan cooling. So, for a fiber reforced composite material used on a higher frequency or sensitive to temperature, in the course of engineering use , it is suggested that a cooling set should be used in order to prolong the use life of the products made of this type of material.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)