在本文中我们首次报道了p型掺杂的自组织Si/Ge量子点中空穴能级子带间的电子拉曼散射,此电子跃迁的能量为105meV。Si/Ge量子点Ge Ge模的共振拉曼散射表明此空穴能级间的电子拉曼散射与Γ点附近的E0(≈2.52eV)发生了共振,而E1的能量小于2.3eV.变温实验和偏振实验进一步证实了我们的指认。所有观测的实验数据与6 bandk·p能带结构理论的计算结果吻合得很好。
The first resonant electronic Raman spectroscopy study of discrete electronic transitions within self-assembled Si/Ge quantum dots (QD) is reported in this paper. A Raman transition of localized holes with a dispersionless energy of 105 meV and a resonance energy to virtually localized electrons at the direct band gap E_0≈2.52 eV far above the indirect fundamental band gap of Si/Ge are observed. Both values are in agreement with 6-band k·p band structure calculations for such QDs.
The Journal of Light Scattering