通过实验室试验、现场工业放大试验以及装置实际应用效果评定 ,指出采取工艺防腐蚀和材料防腐相结合的措施是解决中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子分公司三蒸馏装置常顶冷凝系统腐蚀的有效途径。对重点腐蚀部位的E - 0换热管束进行Ni-P镀层防护后 ,已运行 2 0个月仍然完好。
The laboratory test, commercial scale-up experiment and commercial application on process units conclude that the integrated process and material corrosion protection is an effective approach for controlling the corrosion in the overhead condensing system of No. 3 distillation unit in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company Petro China Co.,ltd. When the E-0 heat exchanger tubes in the corrosive section was plated with Ni-P, they remain intact after 20 months' operation.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry