山东石大科技有限公司的一台电脱盐换热器在大修后约运行了 3个月就发生了明显泄漏。经对泄漏的换热管进行材质分析和对腐蚀产物、软化水水质进行分析检测后认为 :换热管失效主要是由于结构不合理导致软化水流速变化产生结垢和腐蚀所致。同时软化水中Cl-超标 ,致使腐蚀进一步加剧。新设备对折流板进行了改进并改善了水质 ,现已安全运行 1年半。
One heat exchanger in the electric desalter in Science and Technology Company of University of Petroleum, Shandong leaked 3 months after the overhaul. The analysis of the metallurgy of the exchanger tubes, corrosion products, quality of desalted water find out that the tube failure is mainly caused by the fouling and corrosion resulted from variation of desalted water velocity due to the inappropriate construction. While at the same time, the over-spec Cl- in the desalted water aggravates the corrosion. The heat exchanger has been operating smoothly for one and half year without problem after improvement of the baffle design and water quality.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry