目的 :分析男童垂体促性腺激素 (LH、FSH)和性类固醇激素 (T、E2 )的遗传度 ,探讨遗传因素对青春期前垂体 性腺轴激素的相对效应。 方法 :5 1对 5~ 11岁男性双生子 (35对同卵双生子、16对异卵双生子 )以短串联重复序列基因扫描和分型技术作卵型鉴定 ,用放射免疫法测定血清激素 ,以组内相关系数法分析各激素遗传度。 结果 :各激素组内相关系数同卵双生大于异卵双生 ;各激素遗传度分别为 :LH 0 .5 1,FSH 0 .32 ,T 0 .81,E2 0 .4 1。结论 :遗传因素对青春期前男童垂体 性腺轴激素有重要影响。
Objective: To analyse the heritabilities of serum luteinizing hormone(LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) in twin boys, and to study the genetic contributions to gonadotropin-gonadal axis. Methods: A total of 51 pairs of male twins, 35 monozygotic (MZ) and 16 dizygotic(DZ) aged 5 to 11 years, were investigated. Serum gonadotropin and sex hormone were measured by radioimmunoassay. The twin zygosity was verified by determination of short tandem repeat amplified fragment length polymorphism systems.The genetic analysis was performed using intraclass correlation coefficient method. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient was greater in the MZ twins than in the DZ twins. The estimated heritabilities were respectively LH 0.51 , FSH 0.32 , T 0.81 , E2 0.41 . Conclusion: Genetic factors are major determinants of gonadotropin-gonadal axis in boys.
National Journal of Andrology
国家自然科学基金资助 ( 3 0 3 712 2 3 )