目的:探讨输尿管镜 (U RS)直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效。方法:采用直接进镜法 ,对 2 98例输尿管结石患者进行经输尿管镜碎石和取石治疗。结果 :本组气压弹道碎石治疗总成功率为 94 .6 3% (2 83/ 2 98) ,输尿管上段成功率为 87.0 4 % (47/ 5 4 ) ,输尿管中段成功率为 95 .5 8% (10 8/ 113) ,下段成功率为97.71% (12 8/ 131) ,平均碎石时间 (15 .7± 2 .8) min。 结论:此碎石方法安全 ,效果确切 ,损伤小 ,可作为输尿管结石的首选治疗方法。
Objective: To elevate the clinical use of urteroscope pneumatic lithotrity on the trement of ureteral stones. Methods: From Mary 1996 to March 2004 298 patients with uretericlithias were treated with lithotripsy of ureteroscopy. Results: 283 cases(94.93%)got success in orthotopic lithotriptics,success rate of upper segment calculi in ureter was 87.04%, middle segment was 95.58%, lower segment was 97.71% mean lithotriptic time was (15.7±2.8) min. Conclusions: With minimal invasion and pain, this procedure is safe and effective for ureteral calculi,being probably the treatment of first choice.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University