通过中国古代绘画考试与最新发现成果一氧化氮 (NO)之间内在关系的比较 ,探讨医学科研思路方法学的意义 ,比较两者的思维方法和发现过程 ,绘画考试与发现成果一氧化氮 (NO)之间从方法学上观察具有共通之处。科学研究中学术思想才是最重要的。
Through examination of ancient Chinese painting between up to date medicine discover achievements(NO) internal relation. Discussing medicine scientific researching idea meaning. Comparisons with ancient Chinese painting between up to date medicines discovers achievements (NO) its thinking way and discovering process. Examination of ancient Chinese painting between up to date medicines discovers achievements (NO) have common point on method. Science idea is furthest important in medicine scientific researching.
Medicine and Philosophy