目的 :研究扬子鳄大脑皮层的后期胚胎发育 ,为比较胚胎学提供资料。方法 :电镜观察。结果 :大脑皮层可分为梨状皮质、新皮质、海马皮质 3部分。孵化 40d ,梨状皮质和新皮质均处于较幼稚状态 ,海马皮质发育稍好。孵化 5 0d ,梨状皮质变化不大 ;新皮质中幼稚神经细胞数量明显减少 ;海马皮质得到进一步发育。孵出期 ,梨状皮质中仍见不到较成熟的神经细胞 ,新皮质和海马已基本成熟 ,但新皮质中仍有不少不成熟的神经细胞。结论 :扬子鳄大脑皮层各部分的胚胎发育具不同步性。验证了爬行类动物的起源是多样化的。
Objective:To study the later embryonic development of cerebral cortex in Alligator.Sinensis. Methods:Electron microscopy was used. Results:On the 40 day of incubation, the pyriform lobe and general cortex were immature and the development of hippocampus was better. On the 50 day of incubation, the change of pyriform lobe was not very distinct; the number of juvenile cells in the general cortex decreased clearly, and the hippcoampus was further developed. In the incubation period, there was still immature neuron in the pyriform lobe, and the neurons of the hippcoampus and the general cortex were almost mature, but there were still immature neurons in the general cortex. Conclusion:The development of Alligator. sinensids cerebral cortex is asynchronous, indicating that the origin of reputiles has various reasons.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy
国家自然科学基金 (394 70 0 92 )
安徽省优秀青年教师基金 (2 0 0 0 jq135 )
安徽省教委自然科学基金 (2 0 0 3kj16 4 )