低轨道卫星 (LEO)移动通信中多普勒频移具有大范围快速时变的特性 ,且还与卫星的轨道和卫星与地面终端的相对位置具有很强的相关性 .结合这种相关性 ,论文在卫星通信常用的 (M)DPSK调制方式下 ,利用低阶扩展形卡尔曼滤波进行多普勒频移的精确。
In LEO mobile satellite communications the doppler frequency shifts exhibit rapid and large range changes. However, they are strongly associated with the satellites' orbit and geometry. Considering this factor, low dimension extended Kalman filtering is used to estimate the doppler frequency offset accurately and in real time. The normalized estimation error is lower that 10 -8 . Contrasting with doppler frequency offset 10 -5 , it is lower than 10 -3 . Because of the low dimension model, the estimation is a real time process. And it takes only 10 -5 ~10 -6 s to finish one iteration.
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