阐述渤海某海洋石油平台组块吊装上船过程风险评估的整体步骤 ,提出一套具体、实用的系统界定、风险及风险源识别、事故树建立、风险辨识和建立风险评价准则的方案 ;着重说明确定风险辨识和建立风险评价准则的方法和步骤 ,强调这 2点必须由专业技术人员协同完成 ;还给出一种将风险因素定性计算予以量化的方法。
Taking an offshore engineering project as an example, the paper introduces the steps of risk assessment in the process of hoisting offshore platform modular aboard in Bohai Sea and presents a series of practical schemes to delimit the systems, identify risk and it sources, set up event tree and establish risk assessment standards. It focuses on the methods and steps to determine the risk identification and establish the risk assessment standards both which must be completed by coordination of technical persons. And the problem of turning qualitative analysis into quantitative analysis is discussed.
China Offshore Oil and Gas