重症急性胰腺炎是临床危重症之一。既往均采用急诊手术治疗 ,但死亡率很高。近年在大量应用胰酶抑制剂的前提下 ,可选择相关适应证进行保守疗法。本文就重症急性胰腺炎的治疗归类、手术治疗适应证、术式选择及保守治疗适应证和措施 。
The severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is one of severe and emergency disease in clinic. The mortality in operation performed in past time was still high. The conservative therapy after selected the relative indications should be taken under the basis of application of large amount enzyme-inhibitor recently. This paper had summarized the category of SAP, operative indications, operative methods, conservative indications and measurement.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal