

The inspiration of China's experience in tele-education to Democratic Republic of Congo
摘要 刚果(金)民主共和国人口分布广,语言种类繁多,居住于偏僻农村的许多百姓在文化上和语言上远离社会主流。人口分布和语言因素成为普及教育、提高国民文化素质的极大障碍。刚果可以借鉴中国远程教育发展的成功经验:发展教育电视,为农村贫困边远地区的广大民众提供获取信息和教育的便捷而有效的途径,再逐步向数字化信息化发展。 The population of Democratic Republic of Congo distributed widely, and many languages are used. The wide distribution of population and different languages are the great obstacles for the dissemination of education and improvement of the national cultural quality. Congo can use China's experience in tele-education for reference and develops educational television. It can provide a convenient and effective way to receive information and education for the poor people in the rural areas and urges the digitalization of information in Congo.
作者 班扎 张舒予
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期172-176,共5页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
基金 国家教育科学研究"十五规划"教育部重点课题(NO.DTB010824)
关键词 远程教育 教育电视 刚果(金) 中国 借鉴 tele-education educational television Congo China reference
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